1 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


          Hellooo! Welcome back! This time our topic is an incredible web site named ‘Pixton’! As a teacher, you must know this website especially if you are working with kids and teens. Okey, let’s start with what is Pixton? It is a website that you can create short or long comics! However you do not have to be good at drawing or something! This website includes everything you need to create one. You can create yours in minutes! It is also not a old-fashion website, it is cutting-edge and veryy easy-to-use!

         You can create one for your students, show it during the lesson just to change the atmosphere or help them to learn the topic better by visualing the informations. On the other hand you can use them to make an activity in the classroom. When you do not want to be a part of creating process, you can still make your students benefit from this website. You can want them create one as a homework, or during the lesson as an individual or  group. It may help to increase their creativity  and makes focusing the lesson easier!

         I created one basic comic just to show you how it looks at the end. You can click here to see it. However do not forget that there are so many other options, backgrounds, characters in the Pixton’s website. Do not forget to check it out!

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