1 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


          Hellooo! Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to mention ‘Kahoot’. You may have heard about it as it is common worldwide but if you have not, it is a game based learning platform. 

         As the teacher you create or choose a multiple choice quiz for your students. All students in the classroom opens the quiz from their smatphones and answer the question in the time chosen by the teacher. Questions and answers are seen on the board. All answers (like A-, B-, C-, D-…) has a color and a shape. On the phone, students see only the colors and shapes of the answers.

         It is possible to use it only in classroom. Students can not do it at home or the quiz they want. They can be involved to quizz only by using the code the teacher shows.

       It is helpful for taking attentions of students. It helps to memorize and learn vocabularies. It can be used for evry kind of lesson and content. However, it is used mostly for language aducation and vocabulary memorization as it is suitible for short answers.

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