29 Aralık 2019 Pazar


          HHII everyone! I am going to mention 'Socrative’ which is a great and very beneficial web site for all teachers!!!

          Preparing an exam paper always seems boring and seems as a thing that  takes to much time but not anymore! You can use this web site to prepare tests for your students. It is so easy to use it!! Everything is ready in the web site for you. You just have to write the questions and answers, then you can share your quiz with your collogues or download it as png file and take output to distribute to your students!

           It is also a perfect alternative for your lessons! After teaching a subject you can make a quiz to see how much they learn, or prepare an word quiz just as an activity! It is possible to write questions, adding as many answers as you want, attaching pictures to your questions… You can also choose the question type as multiple choise, true/false or short answer questions!

          When you sign up, your account already comes with an example quiz which includes all options that Socrative gives you. However I wanted to make one more example for English language teachers :D It consists of B1 level questions. You can use it for leveling your students or just to measure their knowlegde. You can click here to see the test that I prepared. :)

I did not write the questions by myself, I took them from another web site and add pictures. You can click here to see the whole questions.


          I want to mention ‘Moodle’ which is another beneficial tool. 💁  Moodle is the short form of ‘Modular-Object-Oriented-Dynamic-Learning-Environment’.

           It is an online education system. It is mainly a software package which is used for creating lessons and web sites. Moodle helps educators to do their job by creating web sites for them. You can benefit from Moodle as a teacher, a student or a manager. It can be used by all class students; primary school, midddle shool, high school and university. In Turkey, it has started to used by variety of schools and universities long years ago. It is possible to sign up anytime, in anywhere you want.

28 Aralık 2019 Cumartesi


          HEY! Welcome back! If you work or planning to work with kids, you must know ‘Viki’!!!💁 If you have not heard about it yet, do not worry because learning how to use it is the easiest thing ever!

          It is a web site perfect for creating videos. Instead of video, it is better to say creating talking characters. At the time your students started to get bored by listening the teacher, voki is a great alternative to make your students listen to the lesson. When they started to lose their focus, it can impress them and help them to back to the lesson! It is great both for students and teachers. 

          There are many types of characters, backgrounds, languages, accents… You just need to create your avatar, choose the language you want and write whatever you want him/her to say. Voki can be the least complicated thing you can use for your lessons.

          I just created one short video to show you how it looks at the end. I choosed Santa Claus as the character but you can choose whatever you want, it is possible to find so many other options. You can click here to watch it! :)




          Hiii everyone! I want to mention a very beneficial web site ‘EDMODO’.💁 Edmodo is a platform can be used by both teachers and students, even parents. In this site, teachers create online classrooms and intive students, you can imagine it as a virtual classroom. On this classroom teachers can share the homeworks, projects and whatever they want with their students, and so, students write or upload their assignment which can be also seen by their parents. 

          The best thing about Edmodo is, when you started to use it, you do not need any other platform for your lesson. Instead of a messy paper mountain or thousands of apps, you can use only edmodo. It also has an app so you do not need to sign in with a desktop/laptop every time.



22 Aralık 2019 Pazar

what can PINTEREST be for?

Nowadays, 'Pinterest' is one of the most common websites. It is mainly a website, can be used for finding and sharing pictures. 💁 The thing that discriminates Pinterest from other photograph/picture and google images is the diversity Pinterest has. There are endless image about everything. So also about elt! This is the part that interests us :) . In pinterest we can find so many images we can use in our lessons and activities.🙌

 Visuals make learning easier, this is a fact that everyone knows, and Pinterest is the perfect source for it. 💛 I attached some examples, as you can see it is possible to find pictures that suitable with every topic. 😉


         Hi everyone! Today I want to mention ‘ Flipgrid ’. Flipgrid is a website that you can use for sharing short videos. It is bette...